Yes, cats can indeed develop diabetes, but as a responsible owner, it’s important to know the signs and take action. Recognizing the early indicators can make all the difference in your cat’s health and well-being.

The most common signal that your cat may be developing diabetes is an increase in water intake paired with more frequent urination. In households with multiple cats, it can be a bit trickier to spot these changes, but over time, attentive owners will likely notice one cat spending more time at the water bowl or in the litter box than others.

To confirm a diabetes diagnosis and rule out other conditions that may mimic its symptoms, such as kidney disease or hyperthyroidism, your veterinarian will perform several blood tests. Additionally, a urine analysis will be conducted to check for the presence of glucose.

Based on the results of these tests and any other abnormal findings, your cat may be a candidate for insulin injections. Just like in humans, cats can benefit from dietary modifications aimed at reducing glucose absorption and sugar metabolism. Unlike some human treatments, oral medications for diabetes don’t work well in cats. Fortunately, most cats adapt well to insulin injections and can be trained to tolerate the small needle while they eat.

Regular follow-up blood glucose tests are crucial to closely monitor your cat’s glucose levels and ensure they don’t drop too low. Once initial control of hyperglycemia is achieved, your cat may require less frequent monitoring, with periodic checks of blood Fructosamine levels to assess long-term glucose control. As with humans, without proper treatment and dietary adjustments, most cats will start experiencing other diabetes-related complications.

The key to managing feline diabetes is early detection and appropriate treatment. If you suspect that your cat might have diabetes, don’t hesitate to request an appointment with Buckeystown Veterinary Hospital today. Your pet’s health is our priority.